Bug: Reports not using the same periods?

Christian Stimming stimming@tuhh.de
Mon, 27 May 2002 08:10:03 +0200


On Sunday 26 May 2002 14:58, lmb wrote:
> it appears that some reports don't use the same periods of time as the
> others, even if configured the same.

That's kind of right. But the reason here is rather "some reports use periods 
of time in different meanings" just because some reports *have* different 
meanings than others.

> For example, I have all my reports set to go from 2001-11-01 to "End of
> current month".
> The "Income / Expense Chart" shows a positive net profit for all months. 
> The "Net Worth Chart" however shows a slight decrease for the last month.
> This does not compute ;-)

The x-axis in an asset report ("Net Worth") means something different than in 
an income/expense report. In the asset report, a number on the x-axis means 
"the assets at the end of this specific day". Contrary to that, in the 
income/expense report a number means "the income/expense in the time interval 
starting at the day shown". Maybe it would be better to label the x-axis with 
the specific time interval, but so far I thought that this wouldn't be 
readable anymore.

In your case, you should probably set the "net worth chart" to go from 
2001-11-01 to "start of next month" to have it show comparable numbers. Now 
that's probably not what you wanted -- you probably wanted it to show your 
net worth at the end of each specific month (which happens to be a different 
day each month). This is not possible currently and somebody would need to 
add extra functionality for that (not me :).

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
