bug found in gnucash 1.6.2-1 RH 7.2, act:currency missing

Clay Lenhart clay@lenharts.net
Thu, 23 May 2002 21:58:49 -0400

I was working with splits in a mutual fund, and an Imbalance row was 
created (I struggle with the splits).  I saved it and closed gnucash. 
The next day, I started gnucash and got the following error:

Error: dom_tree_handlers_all_gott...(): Not defined and it should be: 

I found the account and it looked like this:

<gnc:account version="2.0.0">
   <act:id type="guid">20b9fd268081fd6b3a19688c79ed65c7</act:id>

I corrected the problem by editing it and making it look like this:
<gnc:account version="2.0.0">
   <act:id type="guid">20b9fd268081fd6b3a19688c79ed65c7</act:id>

I copied the act:currency section from <act:name>Asset</act:name>

I am up and running again, but I thought you should know about this bug.

Thanks for the text file format. This leads to a more transparent 
application, which is a good thing.

P.S.  Making splits easier to understand would help a lot.  When I save 
the split and the box appears b/c it does not add up, I have no idea 
which one to choose.  I know what I want it to do, but I never pick the 
right one.