Postgresql: Bad timestamp external representation
Matthew Vanecek
31 Oct 2002 22:17:01 -0600
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On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 17:30, John Zoetebier wrote:
> When "Save As" to postgresql database the create database and tables=20
> goes well.
> Immediately thereafter the postgrasql connection stops.
> Error messages in postgresql log:
> -- snip
> ERROR: Bad timestamp external representation '2002-10-20=20
> 17:37:47.000000 +1300'
> DEBUG: pq_flush: send() failed: Broken pipe
> -- snip
> The error dialog box says:
> Can't connect to=20
> /home/johnz/.gnucash/data/postgres:,,localhost,gnucash?username=3Dgnucash
> Does anybody know a solution?
> Or a workaround?
Which version of Gnucash? In CVS (or the 1.7.x series), the whole
architecture has changed and is changing. I've found the 1.6.x
Postgresql backend somewhat buggy. I don't think anyone is going to
maintain it going forward. The 1.8.x series should work well enough, if
you're patient (or have an ultra-fast modern machine), but it is in the
process of redesign. The redesign may not hit until 2.0, but we'll see.
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
except me.
I'm always getting in the way of something...
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