Entering transactions more quickly
Conrad Canterford
05 Nov 2002 14:14:38 +1100
Just correcting something I said in my previous mail. Its a minor thing
On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 11:05, Conrad Canterford wrote:
> do not) - if you enter the same description as a previously entered
> transaction, Gnucash suggests that description to you - you can accept
> it (type <TAB> again) or keep typing a new description. If you accept
> the description, Gnucash will auto-complete the rest of the transaction
> to be the same as the last entered one of that description.
Actually, it fills in the most recent transaction of that description,
searching "up" the register in date order. This can be a little
frustrating if you're entering stuff out of order, but none of us would
ever do that, now, would we... :-)
Conrad Canterford (conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au)
Water Sprite Pty Ltd | url - http://www.watersprite.com.au/
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Canberra, ACT 2601 | - Ticketing Division.
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