Can't compile g-wrap
Wes Sheldahl
Fri, 15 Nov 2002 00:35:12 -0500
On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 02:17:37PM -0800, David Hampton wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 13:46, Boyd Kelly wrote:
> > Thanks so much for your help. I did get further, and now my error
> > messages seem to correspond to that of an earlier post, but the
> > solution (of getting rid of the -Werror flag in and
> > doesn't seem to work.
> You need this change to propagate into the Makefile. These should be
> rebuilt for you when you run make, but it sounds like they aren't. You
> can try running configure again, or editing the files named Makefile and
> removing the same -Werror flag.
> David
Also, remember to run `make distclean` before running configure
again, so it doesn't just use the cached results from the last time
you ran it.
Wes Sheldahl