Check Printing Feature

06 Oct 2002 13:18:43 -0700

On 26 Sep 2002, Greg Woods wrote:

> I don't believe so. So far, I can't even get it to print anything in the
> Memo field on the check. The check printing stuff really needs some
> work, but it's low priority for the developers. Personally, I would like
> to at least be able to save my custom format, so I don't have to type in
> 10 numbers for every &*$#*@! check, but when I asked about this, I was
> told that it would require mods in three different source files,
> including at least one in Scheme, a language I don't know, or I might
> have taken a crack at doing it myself.

The printing of the memo field is broken.  I've filed a bug:

Here's a quick-and-dirty workaround to your custom format problem.  You
can modify the default settings in

    ;;  stock formats 
    ;;  units for stock formats and positions are points (72/inch)
    (define gnc:*stock-check-formats*
      '((quicken  . ((payee . (90.0 150.0))
                     (amount-words . (90.0 120.0))
                     (amount-number . (500.0 150.0))
                     (date . (500.0 185.0))
                     (memo . (50.0 40.0))))))
The change won't take effect until you've restarted GnuCash.  I scanned
a blank page of checks at 72 dpi and used The GIMP to report pixel
coordinates to get the appropriate values for my checks.

In the same file you will also find the Top, Middle, and Bottom
positions.  The bottom position is wrong, it should be "36.0".  I've
also reported that as a bug

    (define gnc:*stock-check-positions*
      '((top . 540.0)
        (middle . 288.0)
        (bottom . 0.0)))