Loading bank excerpts into GNUCash automatically

Simon Vandemoortele delirious@atchoo.be
Mon, 16 Sep 2002 19:35:17 +0200

Dear fellow GNUCash users,

I would like to know if any of you have encountered this problem before 
and if so, what solution you have come up with.

My bank allows me to download my bank account excerpts in tab-separated 
text files. I would very much like to automatically generate GNUCash 
transactions from these excerpts.
Strictly speaking, this is of course an unsolvable problem since 
user-input is required to decide the "from" and "to" accounts of a 
transaction. (Only I can really know what the banking transaction means.)
Still 50% of my banking transactions  could be  detected and translated 
to GNUCash transactions automatically.

State of affairs:
To solve this problem I've considered writing a script to do the 
conversions I need. I am however unsure about the way I should insert 
the information into GNUCash; should I simply add transactions to the 
.xac file ? should I generate a QIF file and import it ?

I am confident other people must have attempted the same feat. What 
advice can you give me ?

Best Regards,
Simon Vandemoortele