Using tax tables in accounts

RochéCompaan roche at
Tue Apr 1 18:40:34 CST 2003

On 01 Apr 2003 10:48:30 -0500
Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:

> Roché Compaan <roche at> writes:
> > On 31 Mar 2003 13:58:36 -0500
> > Derek Atkins <warlord at MIT.EDU> wrote:
> > 
> > > It's only used by Invoices and Bills.  Sorry.
> > 
> > Any plans to make it available on account down the road?
> I'm not at all sure what that would mean.  In the business features,
> the tax-table is applied when you actually post the invoice and the
> transaction is created.  Also, in the invoices each line is a single
> entry -- there are no "split-entries" in an invoice..  And in the end,
> the complete invoice turns into one transaction.
> In a normal register, you need to enter all the transaction splits
> anyways, so I don't quite understand where the Tax Table can help you
> or even how you would want to use it...

I would imagine that one enter a transaction into the normal register,
indicate that tax is applicable and when the transaction is posted it
creates a split entry posting the total * tax to my tax account.

Here is some more background to my problem. In South Africa, we pay VAT
(Value Added Tax) for all services rendered and goods sold and must also
charge VAT for all services rendered and goods sold. Every second month
we have to pay over the difference between VAT on income and VAT on
expenses to the government. So far Gnucash can handle all of this
through Billing and Invoicing. What is a pain though is that I have to
either create a bill for each bank charge on my bank statement just so
that I can have VAT calculated and written to the right account or I
have to create a split transaction and calculate the VAT by myself.

Roché Compaan
Upfront Systems       

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