
Graeme Nichols gnichols at
Mon Apr 14 16:01:04 CDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 14:48, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Sorry, Linux isn't Windows..  When you start Windows, you _ARE_
> starting Quicken -- just not the quicken UI.  Gnucash doesn't
> force itself upon you.

Thanks Derek, I know all that.

> If you want to see when your bills are due, you have to start
> gnucash.

No I don't! I can already do what I want but I have to start a virtual
terminal each time I log in. All I am asking is how do I  cat a file to
my desktop each time I log in (init 5) to Gnome that will save me from
having to start a virtual terminal manually? KDE, for example, has a
startup directory that holds executables to be run each time KDE starts
up. I want to be able to do something similar under Gnome. I know Gnome
doesn't have such a feature but I was hoping there may be some other



Kind regards,


"Your arguments are very well and are theoretically sound, but if ever
payment of members comes into force, it will result in Parliament being
flooded with men of mediocre ability and may eventually open the doors
to a regime of terrorism and corruption."

Sir Henry Parkes in reply to Jacob Garrard, member for Balmain, on the
subject of payment to members of Parliament. 1880.
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