
Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 21 23:49:33 CDT 2003

Robert Uhl <ruhl at> writes:

> o I miss my Net Worth display.  Net Assets and Net IBM are nice, but I'd
>   love to have them added together, so I can see with one glance.
>   Perhaps there's an option somewhere?

Try the "Balance Sheet".  Oh, you mean the "Net Assets" bar at the
top?  Nope, there is no option to convert it all to some common

> o Scheduled transactions look pretty cool.  The link from the scheduled
>   transaction editor to the help docs is broken, though (and the
>   Scheduled Transactions item in the table of contents takes one to
>   Usage...).  There's also an odd bug where sometimes an editor field
>   will fill with gobbledygook, but one can work around it.  I'm going to
>   be playing with this bit quite a lot.

The docs are probably out of date.  File a bug report (or better yet,
submit a patch ;)

> o Report windows still open up small and need to be expanded.  I suppose
>   I'll open a bug for it.  The Cash Flow report is pretty cool, but
>   terribly slow.

This is what happens when you turn off notebook mode. :)

> o In the Account Summary report, the discounted price I get on my
>   company's stock is considered the exchange rate, not the latest stock
>   price.  This distorts the report...

Did you try changing the report options?

> o I miss the black horizontal separator lines in the register; the lack
>   makes it harder to read.

Huh?  What black separator lines?

> Overall, though, it looks pretty cool.  Gnucash gets better every year
> (although sometimes I miss the Motif version...).  If I could find the
> time, I'd contribute.  Sooner or later, one imagines I will.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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