OFX import dates wrong

Bill Wohler wohler at newt.com
Mon Apr 14 15:20:25 CDT 2003

Rob Prior <rv7 at b4.ca> writes:

> Rob Brown-Bayliss wrote:
>> Also, is there any way to get gnucash to use the correct date format
>> instead of the backwards american date system?  It's just weird looking
>> at my transactions and initiially thinking they all came in on the same
>> day...
> LOL!  Unfortunately I don't have an answer, but you're not the only
> one wondering how to do this...

>                                 I never could figure out why writing
> thee date as mm/dd/yyyy made sense.

Most likely because it reflects the order that dates are spoken in
(American) English. But yeah, give me ISO 8601 or European dates any
day! (And international traffic signs. And the metric system. And...)

Bill Wohler <wohler at newt.com>  http://www.newt.com/wohler/  GnuPG ID:610BD9AD
Maintainer of comp.mail.mh FAQ and MH-E. Vote Libertarian!
If you're passed on the right, you're in the wrong lane.

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