
Graeme Nichols gnichols at
Thu Apr 17 15:33:31 CDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 14:09, Graeme Nichols wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I am a very contented user of gnucash 1.8. The scheduled transactions
> work very well but there is no reminder function for bills as they draw
> near to payment date.
> To overcome this in a crude, but effective, way I maintain a small text
> file containing by upcoming bills, one per line containing payee, amount
> and due date.
> I have a line at the end of my .bashrc file to cat that file. In this
> way I always get a reminder of the bills I have coming up.
> The one drawback to this method is that I boot to Gnome and do not get
> the reminder unless I open a virtual terminal, which I don't always need
> to do.
> Is there a way to do this so that when Gnome comes up it then spawns a
> virtual terminal automatically or simply cats the file directly to the
> desktop?
> All help appreciated. TIA.

I have found the answer to my little query above myself and as is usual
the answer was staring me in the face.

I managed it as follows:

Fire up a virtual terminal (gnome-terminal), position it where it suits
then when logging out of gnome save the desktop. On all subsequent
logins the gnome-terminal pops up with the current date followed by my
list of bills with their amount and due date.

Nothing could be simpler and it saves having to log into gnucash each
time I log on to check which bills are due.

Thanks to Bill and Derek for their input. They didn't have the answer
but they got me thinking in the right direction.


Kind regards,


"Your arguments are very well and are theoretically sound, but if ever
payment of members comes into force, it will result in Parliament being
flooded with men of mediocre ability and may eventually open the doors
to a regime of terrorism and corruption."

Sir Henry Parkes in reply to Jacob Garrard, member for Balmain, on the
subject of payment to members of Parliament. 1880.
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