Graeme Nichols
gnichols at
Thu Apr 17 15:54:48 CDT 2003
On Tue, 2003-04-15 at 01:00, Rob Prior wrote:
> Graeme Nichols wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-04-14 at 14:48, Derek Atkins wrote:
> > No I don't! I can already do what I want but I have to start a virtual
> > terminal each time I log in. All I am asking is how do I cat a file to
> > my desktop each time I log in (init 5) to Gnome that will save me from
> > having to start a virtual terminal manually?
> Here's one possible way:
> 1. Log into Gnome.
> 2. Open a Virtual Terminal window.
> 3. Go to the Gnome menu and find the "Save Desktop" option (sorry, i'm
> at work right now and can't check where it is for you).
> 4. Log out.
> Now when you log back in, you should automatically get a Virtual
> Terminal window without having to start one yourself. Combined with
> your previous solution, you get an "automatic" reminder. Perhaps not
> the most elegant solution, but...
Rob, you're absolutely correct. I finally figured it out for myself. Not
the most elegant solution, I agree, but I didn't want to add to anyone's
burden, not did I want to appear ungrateful for what I consider a very
good program, BUT, I did want to get a quick look at what bills I had
coming up when I log in WITHOUT having to start gnucash.
At the time I posted my original message I couldn't work out how to
start the virtual terminal automatically. I already was able to have
what I wanted displayed as soon as I manually started a VT.
And it is no real problem. A small .txt file which can be quickly
updated with pico (or your fav. editor). Most people have the same bills
recurring on a regular basis so they can all be in the one file. You
only have to edit the amount and date.
One idea if one wants to automate it is, perhaps, to have gnucash also
write to a small .txt file at the same time as it writes to it's data
file when you finish in the scheduled transaction editor. I don't think
that would be too difficult, but then again I'm no programmer.
Anyway, I am more than happy with my little patch up.
Thanks to everybody who contributed.
Kind regards,
"Your arguments are very well and are theoretically sound, but if ever
payment of members comes into force, it will result in Parliament being
flooded with men of mediocre ability and may eventually open the doors
to a regime of terrorism and corruption."
Sir Henry Parkes in reply to Jacob Garrard, member for Balmain, on the
subject of payment to members of Parliament. 1880.
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