[spam] Re: Account Reconciling

Phil sublime78ska at comcast.net
Sun Aug 3 13:11:24 CDT 2003

On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 22:27:44 -0300, Jon Lapham <lapham at extracta.com.br> 

> Phil wrote:
>> I've been using GnuCash 1.8.1 for a couple months now.  I reconciled my 
>> checking account and it balanced.  It's been a month and I'm reconciling 
>> it again.  My problem is that the Starting Balance is not the same as 
>> last month's Ending Balance (this months beginning balance) on the bank 
>> statement.
> Either you mistyped something, or your bank is stealing from you (or 
> giving you money...).  :)
>> If this something that no one has ever heard of then I'll make an 
>> adjustment and wait until next month to see if I have a problem again.
>> Maybe I miskeyed last month but if so I don't know I balanced!
> Check your Ending Balance from your previous bank statement, does it 
> agree with GnuCash, or with your Starting Balance of the new statement?

I must have mistyped.  I'll make an adjustment and then watch closely next 



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