State of the GnuCash project: A call for help

James A. Treacy treacy at
Mon Aug 11 22:03:06 CDT 2003

On Mon, Aug 11, 2003 at 08:30:24PM -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Laurent Duperval <lduperval at> writes:
> > Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> > 
> > And let's not forget that in Quebec, taxes are applied to the GST. So
> > a 10$ item, in  fact costs 10$+7% => 10.70$ for the GST and then
> > 10.70$+7.5% for the PST, for a total of 11.56$. Isn't that wonderful!
> How do you get 11.56?  10.70*.075 == .8025, for a total of 11.50.

I believe that the Quebec Sales tax is 8%.
Substitute that in the original calculation and it works out.

James (Jay) Treacy
treacy at

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