I'll volunteer to help...

ghaverla at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ghaverla at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Wed Aug 13 08:42:40 CDT 2003

On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Jon Lapham wrote:

> PS: This is great!  A discussion about documentation... woohoo.

One problem with documentation, is that it is can be hard to
find the section in a document or family of documents that
is pertinent.  Understanding that section can also be a 
problem for some people (just general statements).

Being able to search for things, often means developing
indexes for key words and phrases.  There is a perl
module which will help you find key words and phrases.
Also, some documents can be spell checked in some places
but not in others.  Or, if you go to spell check them,
you will get annoyed by some parts that shouldn't be
spellchecked.  So, there are things in perl which
will allow you to just check certain parts (with
pspell or aspell I think, not enough coffee yet).
I would imagine that eventually python may have
similar functionality, but I think perl is the only
place for some of this stuff now.  So, you might
want to look at the text processing (and especially
the Lingua:: stuff) modules to see if there are
things there to help with the documentation.

I've been using some of this stuff to analyse "card
catalog" data: book titles and chapters of books.

Matter Realisations     http://www.materialisations.com/
Gordon Haverland, B.Sc. M.Eng. President
101  9504 182 St. NW    Edmonton, AB, CA  T5T 3A7
780/481-8019            ghaverla @ freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
780/993-1274 (alt.)

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