I'll volunteer to help...

Herman Herman at AerospaceSoftware.com
Wed Aug 13 10:05:09 CDT 2003

On Wednesday 13 August 2003 8:13 am, Robert Uhl wrote:
> Herman <Herman at AerospaceSoftware.com> writes:
> > > I agree with you here, Jon, it would be best to have additions to
> > > the FAQ as docbook xml, but if people feel they don't know it well
> > > enough to write in that format they can submit it to the -devel list
> > > for discussion
> >
> > Note that the latest OpenOffice.org, can publish to Docbook XML.  So,
> > writing in that format is not an issue anymore.
> How clean's the output?  How would it know when to use <example> (or
> whatever)--do you use a DocBook-specific stylesheet, or...?  It's a
> pretty easy format to learn, though, easier than HTML in my experience.

It looks pretty clean to me.

The easiest way to see whether it has what you want, is to install OOo and try 
it.  open a file and do Save As, then select Docbook (Simplified XML) as the 
save format.

Herman Oosthuysen, B.Eng.(E), Member IEEE
Aerospace Software Ltd.
255 Edenwold Drive NW, Calgary, AB, T3A 4A4
Phone: 1.403.241-8773, Cell: 1.403.852-5545, Fax: 1.403.241-8841
E-mail: Herman at AerospaceSoftware.com, Web: http://www.AerospaceSoftware.com

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