I'll volunteer to help...

Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Thu Aug 14 09:46:50 CDT 2003

Bill Wohler wrote:
> Yup. The argument --add-price-quotes does the same thing as Tools ->
> Price Editor -> Get Quotes. My eyes glazed over when I read "Setting
> Stock Price Automatically" so I think it might be better to say
> something like the following:

Your eyes glazed over?  What!  Are you saying that the prose is not 
electrifyingly stimulating?!  :)

>     The command "gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/gnucash.xac" can be
>     used to fetch the current prices of your stocks. This can be
>     automated by creating a crontab entry. For example, to update your
>     file every Friday evening after the Wall Street markets close
>     (modify the time accordingly for your time zone), you could add the
>     following to your personal crontab:
> 	0 16 * * 5      gnucash --add-price-quotes $HOME/gnucash.xac > /dev/null 2>&1

Take a look, I added your text, and rewrote some of the instructions so 
they actually. sortof, kinda, work now:


I'm starting to think that maybe the "manual" and "automatic" stock 
price subsections should be split into 2 sections.  That would give more 
room for adding some screenshots.  For example, it might be nice to show 
the "edit account" window for an account that is using online quotes.

Bill, question for you.  I still have yet to get the online quotes to 
actually work.  In the price editor, the "source" for my stock quotes 
still says "user:price-editor".  I *think* this may be a symptom of 
whatever my problem is.  How do I change that?

I have edited the stock accounts themselves and changed them to "Get 
Online Quotes".  Oh, and I can sucessfully run "dump-finance-quote" (so 
Finance::Quote is installed correctly).  However, when I click on the 
"Get Quotes" button in the Price Editor window, a window appears saying 
"There was an unknown error while retieving the price quotes".  I've 
tried a number of different quote sources (yahoo, usa, etc), all with 
the same result.


  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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