I'll volunteer to help...

Jon Lapham lapham at extracta.com.br
Thu Aug 14 09:51:51 CDT 2003

Jon Lapham wrote:
> Take a look, I added your text, and rewrote some of the instructions so 
> they actually. sortof, kinda, work now:
> http://www.jandr.org/temp/gnucashdocs/invest_stockprice1.html

Oops, what I meant here was that I had rewritten some of *my* 
instructions on that page.  So, now, my instructions sortof, kindof, 
work now.

Your text was great, I put it in verbatim.



  Jon Lapham  <lapham at extracta.com.br>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA     http://www.extracta.com.br/
  Web: http://www.jandr.org/

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