I'll volunteer to help...

David Hampton hampton at employees.org
Thu Aug 14 10:09:18 CDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 04:46, Jon Lapham wrote:
> Bill, question for you.  I still have yet to get the online quotes to 
> actually work.  In the price editor, the "source" for my stock quotes 
> still says "user:price-editor".  I *think* this may be a symptom of 
> whatever my problem is.  How do I change that?

That just means that you entered that particular stock quote by hand. 
If F::Q had retrieved the stock quote, the price editor would indicate
F::Q in this field.

> I have edited the stock accounts themselves and changed them to "Get 
> Online Quotes".  Oh, and I can sucessfully run "dump-finance-quote" (so 
> Finance::Quote is installed correctly).  However, when I click on the 
> "Get Quotes" button in the Price Editor window, a window appears saying 
> "There was an unknown error while retieving the price quotes".  I've 
> tried a number of different quote sources (yahoo, usa, etc), all with 
> the same result.

Try running "finance-quote-check". If that works, try running: "gnucash
--debug --add-price-quotes <filename>" and see if it gives you any more


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