Finance::Quote Documentation

Jon Lapham lapham at
Fri Aug 22 12:50:18 CDT 2003

Kayhan Gultekin wrote:
> I just set up GnuCash to track my mutual fund including using online
> quotes, and I came accross some items in the documentation that I think
> should be changed.
> 1) In section Installing Finance::Quote, it says to run
> dump-finance-quote to test the installation of Finance::Quote, but from
> what I found in the changelogs, this has been pulled from the
> distribution (or maybe just the .rpm's).  Either the documentation
> should say where it can be found or it shouldn't say to use the script. 
> It wasn't in the first five Google results for it, and I'm too lazy to
> look any further. :-)

Looks like a RH specific problem, not too much we can do about that.

> 2) I'm not sure if this is a bug or a documentation error.  After I
> installed Finance::Quote with update-finance-quote, I had to close
> GnuCash and restart in order for it to be able to use the Perl modules. 
> I think it is completely reasonable to restart after installing a new
> library, but it would be nice if the documentation reflected it:  "It
> may be necessary to restart GnuCash in order for it to recognize the
> update."

I added a comment that you should stop any running GnuCash applictions 
before installing Finance::Quote, this should take care of your problem.

" Installing Finance::Quote

To install Finance::Quote begin by first closing any GnuCash 
applications you have running. Second, open a root shell and run the 
command “update-finance-quote” (without the quotation marks)."

Check it out:

> Would it be worth mentioning in the documentation how to install the
> Perl modules locally for users without root access?

I don't think so.  We do not even have instructions on how to install 
GnuCash as a non-root user, so I think it is a fair requirement that you 
need be root to install Finance::Quote.

> All in all, I'm quite happy after using GnuCash for 20 days.


  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>          Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  Work: Extracta Moléculas Naturais SA

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