Expense Barchart Bug?

Scott Minster scott at mland.dhs.org
Fri Aug 29 08:20:09 CDT 2003

Robert Uhl wrote:
> I was running the expense barchart report, and it displays a large
> positive vertical bar for a negative expense (one could call it a
> rebate).  I daresay that's not desired behaviour...

I've seen that as well, but only when using the stacked option of the 
chart.  When stacking the bars, there's really not a good way to display 
negative amounts, anyway.  In some ways, I actually prefer that the 
negative expense is ignored because it wasn't normal and also hid all 
the real expenses in that account for that period.

Scott Minster
email: scott at mland.dhs.org
jid:   scott at mland.dhs.org
web:   http://mland.dhs.org:8000/

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