accounting period
Matthew Vanecek
mevanecek at
Fri Aug 29 15:47:02 CDT 2003
On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 22:34, Linas Vepstas wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 11:33:57AM -0500, Matthew Vanecek was heard to remark:
> > Linas is releasing Period-closing functionality to HEAD. I imagine it
> > will be some time before that gets back-ported to 1.8.x. It needs to be
> > sufficiently tested for bugs and correctness. I've not yet tried using it
> > with a database (vs. a file), but have plans to do so quite soon.
> please do.
> Note however the sql db does not support lots at this point, and that's
> somewhere, middle, on my priority list. lots really are needed for
> book closing.
> I haven't really thought about if/how/where lots are treated
> transactionally, i.e. how the backend fins out that lot has changed.
> This needs review and almost certainly fixing. Its not currently at
> the top of my priority list.
I'm currently working on the QofQuery -> SQL code, expanding and
changing it to deal with different registered data types dynamically.
I'm hoping to integrate that somewhat with the existing SQL backend as
well as with the libdbi interface I'm working on. A dynamic SQL
generator will go a long way toward enabling new data types w/o
impacting the main backend code.
> Also, the sql backend needs to be changed so that prices are treated
> like any other query, instead of having its own special thingy.
Yeah, every data request should be a query. Why have separate calls for
each data type? The type-specific stuff should all be pushed to as low
a level as possible. Decouple, I say, Decouple!!
> and finally, dereks objects ...
Anyhow, this is falling over the edge of being a -devel discussion.
Suffice to say for now, the SQL backend doesn't support book closing,
and deleting data gratuitously is Bad(tm). You have to delete the KVPs,
and the audit trails get dirty, and you can throw off asset account
balances, and it's just generally a bad idea to edit the database
directly. Well, it could just be my Work prejudices coming out at Home,
but there it is... ;)
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow except me.
I'm always getting in the way of something...
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