Budgeting - Let's decide what we want!

Jack McKinney jackmc-gnucash at lorentz.com
Sat Aug 30 15:24:03 CDT 2003

Big Brother tells me that Matthew Vanecek wrote:
> I don't get it.  You're using the register to reconcile your budget to
> the actual cash flow?  I don't fully understand how the above relates to
> budgeting vs. reconciling with a bank/CC statement...however, feel free
> to read on.

    No.  I am using subaccounts of Cash In Checking to budget.  However,
this means that when I reconcile with my bank, I have to go into several
subaccounts to find all of the transactions.  My register trick just grabs
all of the uncleared items from all subaccounts and presents them for

JFByers: You're talking about a premeditated crime      Jack McKinney
         against the United States government.          jackmc at lorentz.com
Frohike: Hey, your second one today.  Welcome to the Dark Side.
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