Importing non-QIF files

Henri P Gavin hpgavin at
Fri Aug 29 10:29:29 CDT 2003

Dear GnuCash users:

My bank provides on-line statements in a plain-text format. QIF format
statements are not available from this institution. The checking
account statement looks like:

01/24/2003 Withdrawal MORTGAGE (EQTY ENHNC) -$148.16 $8,888.08
01/24/2003 Deposit EMPLOYER (MONTHLY ) $1,988.27 $9,336.24
01/24/2003 A-XYZ U [P]...Amt: 3988.27 EMPLOYER (MONTHLY )
01/25/2003 Withdrawal @ BOOKSHOP Trace #4714 -$7.12 $2,537.60
01/31/2003 Withdrawal (Item #2698) -$156.00 $7,869.53

Right now I am cutting-and-pasting into Gnucash.  What is the best
automatic way to import this kind of plain-text accout statment?  I
could write a converter to a GnuCash compatible format, if I could see
what the format standard looks like.

Thank you

Henri Gavin

Henri Gavin                                         Henri.Gavin at Duke.EDU
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering   tel: 919 - 660 - 5201
Duke University, Box 90287                          fax: 919 - 660 - 5219
Durham, NC 27708--0287                    

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