Reports and splits - not compatible

David Hampton hampton at
Mon Feb 24 01:35:57 CST 2003

On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 16:38, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Uh, may I ask why you have 2 credits in one transaction?  There is
> nothing particular WRONG with it, but generally you have one credit
> and a lot of debits, or one debit and a lot of credits.

As an example, my paycheck has two credits: salary (taxable) and money
to cover things like medical and vision plans (non-taxable).  I want to
track these separately so that my gnucash accounts match up with my W2
at the end of the year.  Debits go to my bank account, and to a dozen
other accounts to track things (taxes, insurance, etc) that are paid as
part of my paycheck.


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