I need install help
Matthew Vanecek
04 Jan 2003 18:18:34 -0600
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On Sat, 2003-01-04 at 13:46, Jim Reese wrote:
> I am trying harder than anyone can imagine to free myself of Windows but =
I am=20
> about ready to throw up my hands.
> Everything I try to install refuses to install for an almost endless vari=
> of reasons. GNUcash has turned out to not be an exception. I'm not a geek=
. I=20
> don't want to be a geek. All I want to do is turn on my computer (prefera=
> anything but Windows) and run my programs. So far I've been an abject fai=
> at that small task.
> Does anyone have an RPM that will do a proper job of installing GNUcash o=
> RedHat 7.3?
Did you visit the Downloads links from the gnucash Web site? There are
packages available from there.
Are you running the Gnome desktop or the KDE desktop? KDE desktops
generally have a bunch of stuff with a first letter of "k" laying
around. If you installed the default RH 7.3 desktop (Gnome) when you
installed RH, you should have all the prerequisites. If you receive an
error message to the effect of "gnucash depens on something", you'll
want to install "something". If you don't know what "something" is or
where to find it, feel free to paste in the error messages, and we'll
help as best we can.
Matthew Vanecek
perl -e 'print $i=3Dpack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow except=
I'm always getting in the way of something...
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