export accounts?
Conrad Canterford
06 Jan 2003 02:20:55 +1100
On Thu, 2003-01-02 at 14:07, Dave Cottingham wrote:
> I'm trying to close the books on the old year and start up a new set for
> the new year. I poked through the archives of this mailing list to get a
> clue how to do this, and found some advice to "export the account list."
> This sounds good to me, but I can't figure out how to do it. I fear the
> problem may be that I'm using version 1.4.9, since I can't get 1.6 to work
> on my machine (long story). So is the problem that 1.4.9 lacks this
> feature, and if so, any ideas for a workaround thats easier than
> re-entering the whole chart of accounts?
I'm afraid I don't have a 1.4 version still around to check with and I
really can't remember, but if the entry "export" doesn't appear in the
file menu of the main window, the answer is that it doesn't support it.
I have two suggestions for you:
1. Try to upgrade to the newer versions. I'm not sure what the full
story is, but if you're using a reasonably recent distro, it shouldn't
be too painful. If you're using a old distro, then....
2. You can achieve the same nett result by entering transactions in all
your income and expense accounts to bring them to zero. In my case, I
decree the 1st of July (our financial year ends on 30th June) as a
non-existant day, and enter a transaction into every income and expense
account (with the equity account as the destination) to make them all
zero. The catch is that you have to remember when doing reports to
exclude that day (the automatic "Start of financial year" things can't
be used). I don't export my accounts, I have one data file with nearly 4
years of data in it, and just use this process every financial year.
Hope this helps.
If you need assistance with getting a 1.6 or 1.7 version running, feel
free to ask on the list. I won't promise we'll be able to help, but you
lose nothing by asking. Give us details of what the problems you're
encountering are.
Conrad Canterford (conrad@mail.watersprite.com.au)
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