Install problem 1.7.7 - ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link

Conrad Canterford
08 Jan 2003 01:36:32 +1100

On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 01:06, John Reynolds wrote:
> So the latest in this saga is... I got ./configure to complete without
> error. Had some trouble with make, but followed the advise of Thomas
> Spahni in the "compiling gnc 1.7.7 on SuSE: success" post, and make
> completed without error.

Good. I saw his post and hoped you'd pick up on it.

Now, about the fail with 'make check' - being paranoid (especially when
your finances are involved!) is not a bad thing, but in this case it's
usually used by the developers, not the end-user, and they tend to fix
the problems rather than report them so I don't have anything to compare
to. This is a long-winded way of saying, "I'm sorry, but I don't know
anything about why make check may be failing".

However, when you say that you did a make install, was it the make
install that failed, or are you seeing this same error when you run

> ERROR: In procedure dynamic-link:
> ERROR: file not found

I'm afraid that its a bit late in the evening (morning) for me to spend
the time looking and my brain is somewhat fuzzy at this point. However,
I seem to recall that there are specific suse issues that may be the
cause of this.

If that doesn't help, please give us more information on the exact
failure with the 'make install'. 


Conrad Canterford  (
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