data export question
Conrad Canterford
conrad at
Fri Jan 31 23:56:49 CST 2003
On Fri, 2003-01-31 at 19:57, Vahur Lokk wrote:
> Hello!
> Is it possible to export either whole account tree or or chosen
> accounts together with their current balance, into some spreadsheet
> format? Without programming skills I mean :-)
No. It is possible to export your account tree structure without values
to a gnucash formatted (XML) file, but that is the only format (and data
export) supported at this stage.
I vaguely recall seeing some comments from people about having developed
perl scripts that work directly on gnucash files - you may be able to
find such a script that will convert to a suitable format for you
perhaps, or convince someone to write such a thing for you. Note that
this is not a recommended way of dealing with your data file, and you're
strongly encouraged to only use such things on a copy of your datafile
if you do decide to pursue that line.
I'm afraid that isn't much help.
Conrad Canterford (conrad at
Water Sprite Pty Ltd | url -
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Canberra, ACT 2601 | - Ticketing Division.
Mobile: +61 402 697054 | - Catering Services Division.
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