Gnucash Help: URL not found

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Jul 8 23:33:27 CDT 2003

James Leone <linuxcpa at> writes:

> >Yes, the gnucash-docs package is distributed separately from gnucash.
> >
> Just curious...any chance to combine these packages?

No, they were split specifically because the docs package is HUGE..
The docs sources are 1.2M (the source tree is 6M) -- so the docs
are like 25% of the size of the sources.

IMHO, 90% of users should be using precompiled binaries, and
installing gnucash-docs is just as challenging as installing

So, no, the docs package will NOT be re-combined with the main source
tree.  It was separated for a reason, and I suspect will remain

> James Leone


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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