More transaction report troubles ...
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Jun 16 22:40:51 CDT 2003
Chris Gentle <gentlec at> writes:
> I am having another transaction report problem involving split
> transactions. It may be related to the bug report I filed a couple
> of weeks ago, bug id 113461 which was fixed by Derek.
Hmm, it may be related...
> It seems that when I generate a transaction report to total up an
> expense, this month's groceries for example, the amounts that show
> up on each line are the total amount of each transaction, not the
> amount of the item within the split. Instead of giving me the total
> amount I've spent on groceries, it gives me the total of all
> transactions that have "groceries" as a split item. Not exactly
> what I was expecting.
No, it's showing the splits associated with the accounts. For example
I just selected "select all" for report accounts, selected
"Expenses:Taxes:Federal" for the Filter Account, and set the filter
type to "include". The report gives me a bunch of transactions.. It
gives me a list of the transactions from the bank account (which is
the total for each transaction), but it also shows each account,
enumerated... So I go down and find the "Expenses:Taxes:Federal" and
it shows me just that split.
> Can anyone verify this? Am I doing something wrong? I'm using
> gnucash 1.8.4.
Well, I just tried this with CVS and it worked right. Testing
1.8.4 with the same report it looks the same, so I think this is
your configuration or interpretation of the report.
> Thanks!
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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