totals checkbox in Register report not working?
marthter at
Fri Jun 20 12:59:36 CDT 2003
Thanks for your quick reply. A bug report has been filed:
Derek Atkins wrote:
>I suggest you file a bug report at
>about this problem
>marthter <marthter at> writes:
>>First off, GnuCash is awesome so thank you to all developers.
>>I am using GnuCash 1.8.1 as installed with RedHat 9.
>>I have an account, say, Expenses:taxes:Sales Tax with no subaccounts.
>>It has many debits - when I buy something, and some credits - when I
>>return a purchase. (All of these are splits because the tax is just a
>>portion of the total bill on each purchase but I don't think that is
>>related to the problem.)
>>I double click on the account to open the Register. (I select a date
>>range to reduce the size of the report - I don't think this is related
>>to the problem.)
>>I click the Report button on the toolbar (or in the menu, Reports >
>>Account Report) and the report shows up as another tab back in the main
>>GnuCash window. The report is titled "Expenses:taxes:Sales Tax -
>>Register Report". So far so good.
>>My problem is I need the report to show a debit total at the bottom of
>>the debit column and a credit total at the bottom of the credit column.
>> All it shows is the net total of debits minus credits. (Which, if
>>Running Balance option is selected, and if the date range starts at show
>>earliest, is the same as the Running Balance on the last line.)
>>I figured the Totals checkbox in the Report options would do this, but
>>as far as I can see, it causes no change to this report whatsoever,
>>whether selected or deselected. This seems like a bug to me.
>>The help describes this checkbox as "Totals: Charts display totals in
>>the chart legend if this option is selected." which it seems only
>>applies to the more graphical reports like pie and bar charts that
>>actually have a Legend. But if so, it should be removed from the
>>Register report. Or if this checkbox really belongs here, then the
>>feature should be implemented.
>>I perused a few months of this mailing list without finding an answer
>>there either.
>>I am looking into it myself, but it has been a very long time since I
>>touched any Lisp, so someone else can probably jump in a lot faster than
>>I can.
>>Any help would be appreciated.
>>gnucash-user mailing list
>>gnucash-user at
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