portfolio and price-diagram reports

Poldi Winkler poldiwinkler at t-online.de
Sun May 25 14:10:40 CDT 2003

Am Son, 2003-05-25 um 01.27 schrieb Derek Atkins:
> Hi,
> poldiwinkler at t-online.de (Poldi Winkler) writes:
> > Hello,
> > on my SuSE8.2 is gnucash-1.8.3 running and I am a little bit proud.
> > I have 2 problems now.
> congrats.  let's see if we can solve your prolems...
> > 1. most of the reports are running, but the advanced portfolio and the
> > price scatter bring error:
> > ~> gnucash
> [snip]
> >  134: 22  (let* (# # # ...) (define # #) ...)
> >  161: 23* [gnc:make-date-list (1041461999 . 0) (1053813599 . 0) ...
> >  164: 24* [eval MonthDelta]
> > /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/price-scatter.scm:164:23: In procedure eval in expression (eval interval):
> > /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/price-scatter.scm:164:23: Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-procedure eval>
> This is VERY strange.  This works fine for me.  What version of guile
> are you running?
>   I wonder if guile-1.6 changed the API to eval?
> If so, that could be REALLY BAD.
> > Can I solve it?
> Yes, this one is relatively easy.  go into the price-scatter.scm file
> and change the "eval interval" on line 164 to "gnc:deltasym-to-delta
> interval".
That's OK! Thank's!
> Also, what appears to be the problem with the portfolio report?
> You didn't supply any information about how it failed.
I thought it is the same problem. That's the message for advanced

In /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/main.scm:
 248:  9* [lazy-catch #t #<procedure #f ()> #<procedure dumper (key .
In unknown file:
   ?: 10* [#<procedure #f ()>]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/main.scm:
 249: 11* [apply #<procedure #f ()> ()]
In unknown file:
   ?: 12  [#<procedure #f ()>]
In /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/report.scm:
 389: 13  (set! html (gnc:report-render-html report #t))
 389: 14* [gnc:report-render-html # #t]
 357: 15  (if (and # #) (begin #) (let # # doc))
 364: 16  (let ((template #) (doc #f)) (set! doc (if template # #f))
 367: 17* (set! doc (if template (let* # # # ...) #f))
 367: 18* (if template (let* # # # ...) #f)
 368: 19  (let* (# # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-style-sheet! doc
stylesheet) ...)
 370: 20* [advanced-portfolio-renderer #]
 112: 21  (let (# #) (letrec # # #))
 269: 22  (let (# # # ...) (gnc:html-document-set-title! document #)
 294: 23* (if (not #) (let* # # # ...) (gnc:html-document-add-object!
document #))
 296: 24  (let* (# # #) (gnc:html-table-set-col-headers! table #) ...)
 325: 25* [table-add-stock-rows # # # ...]
 134: 26  (let ((share-print-info #)) (letrec (#) (set! work-to-do #)
 140: 27  (let* (# # # # ...) (for-each # #) (gaincoll # moneyoutcoll
#f) ...)
 162: 28* [car ()]
/usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/advanced-portfolio.scm:162:30: In procedure car in expression (car price-list):
/usr/local/share/gnucash/guile-modules/gnucash/report/advanced-portfolio.scm:162:30: Wrong type argument in position 1: ()
(0,0029s) [list] -*-helvetica-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 --> 24
(0,0035s) [load] -*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-15-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 -->
(0,0207s) [load]
-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--14-140-75-75-p-82-iso10646-1 -->
(0,0113s) [load] -*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 -->

I believe my problem is the same or similar as Rick's. I have select
only not empty accounts and it is running now.
> > 2. I cannot save the main window. I have a account tree and I would like
> > to get the same view of the window when I start gnucash. In preferences
> > is a button for saving the preferences of the window - but it is not
> > working.
> I'm not sure what you mean, here.  There is no way to remember which
> accounts have been expanded and which have not.  Is that what you are
> asking?
That's what I mean
>   If so, then you'll have to file a bug report on it. 
How and to whom?
>  On the
> other hand, it will definitely remember which columns you are showing,
> but I suspect that's not your issue.
That is working!

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