Strategies for closing the books (or not) and carrying customers forward

Adrian Simmons adrinux at
Wed Oct 1 14:56:35 CDT 2003


I've not managed to find anything recent in the list archives about 
this, but my apologies if this re-treads previous discussions.

I'm wondering how people currently deal with closing the books at the 
end of a year. Do you copy over the old files, rename them and then 
delete all the transactions?

I'm particularly wondering about the business features, and how to make 
sure customers vendors etc get transfered to the new year.

Alternatively I'm thinking of not closing out the books (they aren't 
very complicated and don't have many entries) and just using the report 
features to generate the info I need for my (UK) tax return.

How do you, dear gnucash users, deal with this?

FYI I'm using Gnucash 1.8.5 installed on OSX 10.2 using Fink.


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