Budgeting Summary 1 - first draft

Stewart V. Wright svwright+lists at amtp.liv.ac.uk
Mon Sep 8 12:00:14 CDT 2003

G'day All,

The first draft of the summary of this list is now available.

Once again it is sitting at
or for other formats (including text and TeX)

I've included it below too...

This is my quick and nasty interpretation of the budgeting thread so
far.  It is not a short summary as there have been a number of good
points.  However I'm sure to have missed something that someone
believes is vitally important, or down played the significance.

Please, please, please send the list (or me) your suggested changes.
Tear it to shreds, mock my spelling (it is a mix of PROPER English and
American English), ridicule the grammar, but make it the "road map for
budgeting" that we want.

The only request I have is that the changes are limited to _this_
summary, and _this_ last weeks discussion.  We can have another
summary next week, but let's try to keep a fixed boundary on the
summary, otherwise it becomes a moving target.

And now, without further ado:  Summary the First (draft 1):


Budgeting in GnuCash
Summary: 1


This document is a summary of the discussions of 
implementing budgeting in GnuCash[http://www.gnucash.org/] from the 
gnucash-users and gnucash-devel mailing lists over 21 
August 2003 --- 6 September 2003.

1 Introduction

This is a collected summary of some of the thoughts 
expressed in the "lively debate" in the gnucash-users 
mailing list
I have used the contributions of  the various contributors (listed in
[sec:Contributors]) verbatim at times  in this document as they have
been posted to the public discussion list. However I will remove,
and/or rewrite, any contribution that I receive a request from the
author. There are times throughout the document where there are
mentions of 'I', these are usually the results of me (SVW) not
rewriting the contributions as thoroughly as they might have
been. However, the thoughts expressed by the contributors stand as

2 Summary

2.0.1 First, Do No Harm.

The addition of budgeting features into GnuCash must 
not make the accounting features slower or more 
difficult to use.

2.0.2 Complex Things Should Be Possible.

You must be able to model several different scenarios 
by creating different budgets for the same period.

2.0.3 My dream Is A Truck.

You must be able to add Budget items that don't have 
representation in the accounts hierarchy.

2.0.4 Simple Things Should Be Easy.

You must be able to generate a Budget hierarchy from 
the existing accounts hierarchy.

2.0.5 Two Chickens In One Pot.

A budget category must be able to refer to more than 
one account. A corollary of this requirement is that 
not every account must be tied to a budget category.

2.0.6 Heads Up!

There must be a series of progressively more sever 
warnings as budgets limits are approached.

2.0.7 Accounts != Budgets

Once set, a budget should not be "broken" (i.e. 
rendered useless) by changes to the account hierarchy 
(i.e renaming, re-parenting, deleting.)

2.0.8 The Fundamental Things Apply...As Time Goes By.

Budgets need to obey the rules of double entry 
accounting and the fundamental accounting equations.

3 Goals

3.1 Introduction

A number of users have expressed what I will describe 
as Goals: attributes that budgeting in GnuCash should satisfy.

3.1.1 Savings goals

How would you fit "savings goals" into a model? A 
savings goal isn't an expense (it could be considered 
an income, but generally it's a portion of 
Income:Salary). Also, what about using budgeting as a 
tool to figure out what would happen if you added a 
particular expense. For example, "can I afford this new 
car if I have to pay $250/mo, and what would that do to 
my cash flow and savings goals?" The problem (as I see 
it) is that if you tie budgeting specifically to 
income/expense accounts then you cannot perform either 
of these two functions.

3.1.2 Projects

There is another budgeting feature which I have only 
played with and have not really used. This is for 
projects or jobs. You can create job templates with 
breakdowns into various items. When you start a job of 
a certain type you use the template to create a budget 
for that job. This seems most appropriate when a 
business has a small number of different jobs that are 
done repeatedly for the customers.

3.1.3 Extending the Report Structure

You need 2D because of substantial overlap in accounts 
between the classes. Each of those classes has a 
cumulative budget amount. I can spend my $150/mo on 
whatever I want. Sometimes it's computer stuff, more 
often, I take Julie out to dinner. If I spend less, I 
get to spend more next month.

In short, you need reports that select or sort by 
class/action, and reports that ignore class/action. 
Some of our customers have three dimensions. For 
instance, a property management customer has 
accounts,departments,projects. Each department is a 
responsibility area of the company. Each project is a 
group of properties, e.g. a row house tract. You can 
print a profit/loss for each project - to see which 
projects are albatrosses, and where they are leaking 
cash (can it be fixed? or should it be sold to cut 
losses?) You can print a profit/loss for each 
department, to see which departments are lean and mean, 
and which need some fat trimmed (and where). You can of 
course also print an overall profit/loss for the entire company.

4 Overview

4.1 Introduction

Implementing budgeting needs two main parts

1. Tools to produce a budget - forecasting, GUI to set 
  up budget

2. Tools to monitor a budget - budget vs actual reports

Some users have a need for a month-by-month budget. 
Other people have mentioned longer budgets for e.g. an 
18 month project. We need to have multiple budgets 

4.1.1 Purpose

A budget, at any level, serves the following purposes/functions:

1. Planning tool for the next accounting period.

2. Sets financial goals.

3. Acts as a financial expression of organisational priorities.

4. Facilitates variance analysis.

It's true that entities will create their budgets at 
various levels of detail; but the only way to 
accomplish all 4 functions above is to create 
relationships between budget line items and 'live' 
accounts at the chosen level of detail.

4.1.2 Minimal Definition

In a minimal description, a budget is a set of amount & 
time-frame pairs associated with a split group. At 
present the only split groups that GnuCash supports are 
accounts. Do "what we want" to be able to define 
budgets for the accounts that we have now? If GnuCash 
is ever extended to support Categories (another kind of 
split group) the same facilities can be used to set and 
report budgets for those.

4.1.3 A tool

The simple approach would be a big step forward, and 
many users would probably never ever need more. For 
many, a budget has been first and foremost a tool to 
track how well (or how poorly) I am following a 
financial plan.

Simulations of financial scenarios seem to be quite 
another thing - nice, but not essential.

4.1.4 Flexibility is good

If you create a budget as a second set of books(?), you 
can start the budgeting process with the projected 
balances for the current year. You can then add 
transactions for expected changes in the following 
year. The accounts can then be summarised at whatever 
level the user wishes to monitor. Since the Map of 
Accounts for the Budget and Actual Books are identical, 
matching the two for comparison shouldn't be too difficult.

Although, in the code, it could be implemented much the 
same as the account hierarchy (w/o the registers, of 
course). Also, the budget categories don't necessarily 
have to map to accounts. The mappings should be 
user-definable and not required, to allow for greatest 
flexibility in planning. The knowledgeable user will 
realise this, hopefully, when running reports that 
include unmapped relationships...

4.1.5 Flexibility is bad

To a degree financial software is different. It isn't a 
window manager. Letting people get "creative" with 
accounting isn't necessarily a good thing. For example 
maybe I'm odd and like to change every other entry into 
a negative number even though I enter a positive 
number. Not exactly the best function for an accounting 
system. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean 
you should.

You take may budgeting very seriously, and want it very 
structured. That is great, and we want a budgeting 
feature that CAN work your way to attract your type of user.

4.1.6 Flexibility is ???

We also want it to BE ABLE to be used in a less 
structured way because not all home users think the 
same way. They WANT to do some changes half way through 
the year (and then maybe undo them - or not save the 
changes - or have multiple budget files for the same 
year) to see if they can afford a vacation. They are 
not held to their budget as strictly as a government 
is. If they are disciplined they may stick to it, but 
if they aren't they won't. Maybe having a "lock my 
budget" toggle would be a good little feature?

I think by "structured" we are talking about two 
aspects without really being clear about the 
distinction: (1) do we allow or not allow an accounting 
category to be tied to accounts from more than one 
branch of the account tree, (2) do we allow or not 
allow changes to the budget in the middle of the 
budgeting period.

4.1.7 Versions are good!

You build your budget and save that version. In our 
case we call it "adopted", because the board of 
supervisors actually adopts it as a plan. You could 
call it "Original" or something. This is the budget 
that NEVER changes after you create it. Then you have 
your "REVISED" budget. This is the budget that during 
the year you tweak as things happen.. like pay raises, 
unforeseen necessities, raised utility rates etc.... 
Then you have a "PROJECTED" version. This is basically 
your ACTUALS for months that have "closed" and your 
"REVISED" budget for months that are "open".

This type of versioning now allows you to see how you 
did against your original plan (Adopted/Original), see 
how you plan to spend based on some moving factors 
(Revised) and see how you are spending and how that 
makes things look with your budget as you have it laid 
out (Projected).

4.1.8 Account != Budget Category

Budgets categories and Accounts really have very little 
in common. You don't use a Budget to reconcile 
transactions; you use it to verify if you are spending 
too much or too little on a particular expense or 
asset, or to see if you income exceeds expectations or 
if you have less cash coming in than planned. You can 
also use the budget to map out various paths for you 
future finances: Do you want to spend more or less 
money on food? What happens if I start putting X 
dollars in savings, or stocks? A budget is a tool to 
help you plan where you want to go. 

Accounts are tools to track where you've been. You 
don't want or need budget editing built into accounts 
--- that would be a grave mistake and highly 
unscalable. Not to mention it mixes two completely 
different sets of data. 

In short, budgets are planning and compliance tools. 
Accounts are tracking tools. You don't need accounts to 
create a budget; conversely, you don't need a budget to 
use accounts. When you have both available, and can 
compare your actual to your planned (reports), you can 
really take control of your finances. However, they 
*are* separate.

Now, for display purposes in the register, I'm sure 
there are ways to make it all nice and pretty so that 
you can see at a glance your performance against your 
budget. That, however, is GUI related, and separate 
from the data implementation. The GUI should never, 
ever drive how you store your data.

4.1.9 Additional views

Some that I can think of would be

1. forecasts - where will I be in time X. Based on the 
  starting balance for that category and using the 
  budgeted targets where will I be in 6 months (for example).

2. planned vs actual - how much do I have left to 
  spend, or how much did I blow it by last month?

4.1.10 Looking at the future

I see a need for profiling possible scenarios, and how 
a future purchase will affect my budgetary needs. For 
example, when considering a new house purchase, I need 
to know 1) what is a reasonable goal for saving a down 
payment, 2) How will my budget need to change to reach 
that goal (because, well, my income sure ain't going 
up!), and 3) how will the projected future house 
payments (and cessation of saving for DP) affect my 
financial expectations? These are all valid reasons for 
how potential purchases affect your budget, and why you 
need a way to profile the different scenarios.

4.1.11 Budgeting assets?

There are circumstances in which budgeting asset 
accounts makes sense. For example suppose you hold a 
note for $50,000. You expect to receive payments of 
principal of $15,000 this year. This is not income but 
is an asset conversion. It won't show up in a pure 
income expense budget yet you have $15,000 that can be 
used for expenses or for capital expenditures, etc.

4.2 Desires

4.2.1 I like it quick and dirty...

I would like to see actual, budget, and variance on the 
Accounts view. I would like to see it all at-a-glance, 
immediately. Is that realistic?

4.2.2 I like it to vary...

Choosing how to populate the budget by % of income per 
period would be a nice feature, but most cash flows 
won't be based on percentages.

4.2.3 I like to watch...

I (SVW) want to be able to see all the transactions for 
a particular budget category. It's been suggested that 
some sort of customised account register with 
transactions for a period for all the accounts in that 
category may be satisfactory. A right click menu option 
could bring up this register for the selected category. 
Come to think of it this might go hand in hand with the 
suggestion for a planned/actual view of the budgeting 
information. If you see that you were over budget in a 
certain category for a period you could bring up this 
window to see the transactions which contributed to 
that situation. Question is, is this something that 
should be done by the workbench or in a report 
somewhere? Maybe both?

Viewing the transactions that contributed to the actual 
amount for a given budget period really isn't 
complicated (conceptually). Gnucash already provides a 
Search for Transactions capability that can be tapped into.

For a given budget period and category, select "view 
transactions for budget category in period X", where 
period X represents fromDate to toDate. The Budget 
engine formats a query just like the "Search For 
Transactions" dialog: "Select transactions where 
date-entered between fromDate and toDate and accounts 
in (list of linked accounts with sub-accounts)", and 
displays them in the typical register. All that is 
built in already. All the budget needs to do is hook 
into the engine/GUI with the appropriate query.

5 A Plan

5.1 Initial data

This hasn't fully thought this through yet. One might 
give the user a choice between:

1. Populate budget from account data.

2. Populate budget from scheduled transactions,

3. Use both 1 & 2 (not sure how this would work in some 
  cases but worth a think)

There is the feeling that designing a nice robust way 
to initially populate a budget will be a project in and 
of itself.

5.2 What is needed:

1. Generate a Budget hierarchy from the existing 
  accounts, or create it dynamically from scratch. This 
  decouples the Budget from the accounts, and allows 
  you to add Budget items that don't have account 
  representation. It also allows you to model several 
  different scenarios by creating different Budgets.

2. Populate the Budget amounts either dynamically, or 
  as some sort of average of the related account(s) 
  over time.

3. To track how your actual cash flow compares to the 
  Budget, you run reports that draw from a 
  user-specified Budget and the accounts you want to track.

A lot of people try to look at the money they receive 
and spend as the budget that is tracked in the 
accounts. That is simply not true. Tracking the money 
you receive and spend is accounting. You move money 
from income to expenses or assets (usually via a bank 
account). A Budget, on the other hand, represents how 
you are planning on moving your money around. It can 
take as its foundation a history of actual money 
movement, but other than some loosely-coupled relations 
between Budget categories and Accounts, there is no 
relationship between Budget and Account (in 
programmatic implementation, not practice). You use 
reports to track overages and underages. That's 
budgeting in a nut shell. The above concept scale 
remarkable well from home users to large businesses. I 
don't see any need to have different implementations 
for the two user sets. Basically, both need a "how do I 
plan to spend the money", "how have I spent the money", 
and a "how do the two compare" functionality. Warnings 
for over-spending or whatever is simply fluff and 
frills built on top of the basic implementation.

5.3 Doing it!

To set up a budget the user would have to enter a value 
for each category, a frequency, and the related 
accounts, as shown in the table below.

| Budget Category      | Account             | Budget Value  | Frequency |
| Rent                 | Expenses:Rent       | $500          | monthly   |
| Food                 | Expenses:Groceries  | $50           | weekly    |
| Holiday in the Sun!  | Assets:SGoal:Hol    | $2400         | yearly    |

The budgeting engine would then take these values and 
divide them up evenly over the Budget Time-frame, using 
the Period as the common time value. For example if the 
Budget Period is one month we would get a table like 
this. (note: I am using a 4 week month for simplicity)

| Budget Category  | Jan   | Feb   | Mar   | Apr   |  |
| Rent             | $500  | $500  | $500  | $500  |  |
| Food             | $200  | $200  | $200  | $200  |  |
| Holiday          | $200  | $200  | $200  | $200  |  |

Now the user can modify this table to suit their 
specific needs. For example October and December might 
need higher food budgets in order to accommodate 
Thanksgiving and Christmas. (all those hungry relatives...)

As well it might not be appropriate to spread the 
holiday out over the entire year. If we are going on 
Holiday in April we might want to ramp up the payments 
till then and then not have any in that category.

Now you might look at this and say "Hey there aren't 
going to be any Holiday expenses till March when I book 
my everything included all expenses paid trip to the 
tropics. Why spread it out over the year." If

the user only wants to budget the entire amount in 
March/April then they are free to but this lets people 
like me who know that come March if I haven't saved up 
some money, I will have to go into debt (not fun) to 
pay for the vacation and be always catching up later. 
By associating the Holiday category with both a Savings goalNote: I use the Savings Goal concept as described by 
Lauren Matheson here:

 and an Expense account I can on a monthly basis 
transfer money from my chequing account into the 
savings goal, knowing that when I pay for the trip I 
will use the money saved so far.

I think that by defining separate budget categories and 
then relating them back to GnuCash accounts we can 
accomplish everything that people want. And yet the 
infrastructure will sufficiently separate as to allow a 
greater flexibility.

As well then every account type will be able to be 
budgeted (not just income/expense). I find it very 
likely that I will want to be able to set up a category 
for my credit cards. This would allow me to make sure 
that my credit card balance decreases by a set amount 
each month and track that in the budget. Conversely I 
will want to know that my Savings Account is increasing 
by a certain amount every month.

6 What are the implications for Business Budgeting?

A serious consideration is the differences in 
requirements in budgeting for businesses. This needs to 
be clarified. Possibly it will be possible to include 
in the same framework as that for personal budgeting. 
This may be directly, as an extension included when the 
demands are clarified, or there may be a need for a 
different structure. However some points that have been 
raised are:

* A small business should also use a separate budget 
  process that is more strategic in nature. A budget is 
  something you would put in a Business Plan.

* A budget is not only for a business plan, but also 
  for ongoing operations. From corporate to SOHO, you 
  have to know what you need to spend money on, and how 
  much income you are projected to have.

* There are multiple levels of budgetary control. 
  Accomplishing all levels of that control (Cash 
  Management and Strategic Budgeting for example) in 
  one process is going to be difficult. It's going to 
  be difficult to get a consensus of what it should 
  look like; and it's going to be difficult to develop. 
  Separating them may be the best way of meeting 
  everybody's needs.

* If the goal is home user: a more toward loose models 
  of accounting is acceptable. Ease of use is important 
  there. Small business: Still keep an ease of use 
  focus, but try to instill good accounting principles. 
  Anything beyond small business try to follow best 
  accounting practices of FASB, GAAP and GFOA.

7 An idea of what it might look like...


Comments from Darin Willits: Budgets and account trees 
should be separate entities. One *is* an essentially 
imaginary, pie in the sky concept while the other is 
concrete (often depressing...) reality. They are 
definitely linked (categories have related accounts) 
but are not one and the same.

However my hope is to create a set of data which could 
be used in other parts of the application hopefully 
enabling a wealth of financial planning features down 
the road. But for now we have to start somewhere.

I am still trying to figure out exactly what 
information to show in the workbench. It might be that 
we need multiple "views" of the same information. An 
actual/plan view, a basic budget amount view, and some 
others yet to be defined.

8 Problems

8.0.1 Nomenclature...

I would hesitate before calling budgeting entities 
accounts, but maybe category is the wrong word as well. 
An account is a well known concept from the rest of 
GnuCash, and using it in the budgeting engine as well 
would probably only serve to confuse the user. 
Especially since an "item" (better term maybe?) in the 
budget can be linked to one or more accounts. Using the 
term "account" both places could get...interesting. :)

8.0.2 Multiple year comparisons

Another problem is multiple year comparatives. What 
happens when you decide to "inactivate" an account. 
There needs to be a way to do "restatements". That is 
allow you to change your chart of accounts from year to 
year and then "map" an old year to a new year (for 
reporting only). That is if you mapped as you want your 
budget, but did not have a mechanism to do actuals the 
same way. Your historical budget to actual reports 
would be fairly whacked. What I would propose is you 
fix your chart of accounts. (i.e. inactivate the old 
accounts, make the new accounts) Then charge in the new 
year to proper accounts and build budget properly. Then 
in the reporting side have a way to do restatements 
that say x goes to y. 

8.0.3 Mortgages?

What about paying a mortgage? I don't really consider 
paying that down to be a transfer of assets (even 
though technically it is) -- I just look at it as an 
"expense" where I'm reducing the outstanding balance on 
the Liability. Obviously my house equity increases at 
the mortgage liability decreases, but for my budget I 
don't really care about that. I also don't particular 
care how I pay for the liability, either, although I do 
sort of see your point about where the money is coming 
from; transferring from one liability to another seems 
not to really do much good (although it might be 
important for budgetary reasons?).

9 Glossary

  Budget (Simple) A budget is a separate entity from 
  financial records used for comparison purposes and 
  tracking at different intervals through a particular 
  time period.

  Budget (Complex) Budgets are strategic planning tools 
  that are usually documented at the monthly detail 
  level. Budget variance analyses usually occur monthly 
  or quarterly. The object is to determine if changes 
  in operations or business strategy are warranted. 
  Many entities only analyze the P&L side of the house. 
  Entities that must comply with loan covenants must 
  maintain certain levels of liquidity (Acid Ratio or 
  Days Cash On Hand, for example). These concerns 
  should be budgeted and analyzed, as they will can 
  impact the timing of strategic projects or purchases. 
  This is where budgets and cash management overlap.

  Budget Category A discrete budget item. e.g. Food, 
  Rent, etc. Each category would be related to one or 
  more GnuCash accounts against which it would be 
  compared for reporting.

  Budget Period The lowest common frequency denominator 
  for all expenses listed in the budget. Usually this 
  is one month but it could be a week, a year, or ten 
  years if appropriate.

  Budget Time-frame The duration this budget is active. 
  Usually this would be one year for a home user, but 
  could be anything.

  Cash Flow Management Management must project cash 
  inflows and outflows to be sure that adequate cash is 
  available as needed. This should include analyses of 
  expenses, short-term payables (including current 
  portions of long-term debt), cash accounts, payroll, 
  inventory turnover and receivables. In tough times, 
  these analyses cannot wait for month-end reports; but 
  should be available from weekly, or even daily balances.

10 Contributors

<sec:Contributors>The following people have contributed to the budgeting 

Andrew L. Gould, Chirik, Chris Roland, Christian 
Stimming, Dale Alspach, Darin Willits, David Ayers, 
Derek Atkins, Derek Neighbors, Doug Foskey, Glen 
Ditchfield, Jack McKinney, Jesse Guardiani, Jon Lapham, 
Justin Kelly, Kaaren Shalom & Richard Gilligan, 
Marthter, Matthew Vanecek, Phil, Phillip Shelton, Phil 
Longstaff, Reinke Bonte, Rick Ziegler, Robert Uhl, 
Scott Minster, Stephen Cuppett, Stewart V. Wright, 
Tripp Lilley.

(This list was created by looking at the 'From:' lines 
for postings to the gnucash-users and gnucash-devel list.)
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