Michael D. Crawford crawford at goingware.com
Mon Apr 5 21:11:32 EDT 2004

I found that if I click on a date, a little icon appears, which if I click, I 
will get a calendar popup.  One can then navigate between days, months and years.

Using this, I found that a date entered as "4/1/2004", which displays as 
"4/1/20", will show up in the calendar as April 1, 2020.

So Gnucash must be using the first two characters of the date that's entered, 
and prepending it with "20" to get the year.

I didn't realize when I first posted that the locale will affect this.  I'm 
pretty sure my computer is configured for an American locale (en-us I think).

What I finally did was go through my whole checkbook and set the years to all 
the transactions as "04".  That seems to set things right.

Michael D. Crawford
GoingWare Inc. - Expert Software Development and Consulting
crawford at goingware.com

   Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tomorrow.

     "I give you this one rule of conduct. Do what you will, but speak
      out always. Be shunned, be hated, be ridiculed, be scared,
      be in doubt, but don't be gagged."
      -- John J. Chapman, "Make a Bonfire of Your Reputations"

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