Problem with charts on report

Tales Costa tales at
Thu Apr 8 11:27:20 EDT 2004

Hi Maf,

Yes, I agree the problem is more clear now.
 I will go after this upgrade then.

Thanks to you and Derek for the help.


tales costa

Maf. King wrote:

>On Wednesday 07 Apr 2004 16:49, Derek Atkins wrote:
>>If "rpm -qa | grep -i guppi" returns nothing as well, then SuSE
>>compiled gnucash without guppi support and you should contact them.
>Hi Tales,
>I think Derek is correct - it is a SuSE package bug.
>SuSE releaased an updated package (for 9.0) of guncash 1.8.7 and it can show 
>barcharts etc.
>I run SuSE 9.0, with the newer gnucash package, and the rpm query above 
>gives me 326 seperate guppi "hits"
>Try and get yast online update to install the latest released version for 
>you.  Feel free to private mail me if you want help with the SuSE-specific 
>stuff to save bothering the list with OT messages.

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