Process vendor payments and negative values

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 26 11:52:24 EDT 2004

Graham Leggett <minfrin at> writes:

> I think this is possibly what happened - I remember a few months back
> that bills had been posted with the wrong dates (affecting the VAT
> calculations), and were corrected.

Adjusting the dates shouldn't affect anything.  It's adjusting amounts
that could cause problems.  Although as I said I don't see how it
could; it should be supported just fine.

However if you manually adjusted a payment transaction by hand in the
register, now THAT could definitely cause problems!

> I did a further test by applying an extra arbitrary payment of R1000
> to the account to see where it came off. It resulted in a payable
> aging that looked like this:
> 30 days: R0.00
> 60 days: R0.00
> 90 days: R0.00
> 120 days: R-1000.00
> Should the amount not have been listed under 30 days instead?

Well, it depends on the date you applied the payment.  The fact that
everything else is 0 seems to imply that everything else is balanced.
What happens if you now delete that R1000 transaction from your A/R

> Can I send you a copy of the file privately so you can see what is
> happening? It's a bit difficult to explain.

Sure..  But that will only help show the current state, not
necessarily how you got there.  But go ahead and send it to me
privately.  Note that followups will return to the list unless they
involve specific private data.

> Regards,
> Graham


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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