Trouble with stocks from DRIP accounts

David Anderson dw.anderson at
Tue Apr 27 19:29:56 EDT 2004

Hey guys.

I'm running GNUCash 1.8.7.  I'm trying to get some of my DRIP accounts
setup in here and I'm having some trouble.  Let me just give one

I have DRIPs (Divident Reinvestment Program) with a few companies.  At
the beginning of every month, $60.00 is transferred out of one of my
saving accounts and into a 'holding account' at the particular company. 
At a set date they purchase the shares for me.  

I transfer $60.00 out of savings and into Investments:D.R.I.P.S.:Aqua
America (Asset).  I consider that a holding account.  When I get my
statement each month, I enter the stock purchase, which would be into
Investments:D.R.I.P.S.:Aqua America:WTR (Stock).  When I do this, the
top-level of investments loses its dollar amount (just shows a $ with
nothing else).  The Aqua America account loses its value as well (just a
$).  WTR underneat Aqua America does show the proper number of shares. 
I just don't understand what is happeneing.

To give a few more details.  Investments is setup as an Asset. 
D.R.I.P.S. is setup as an Asset.  Aqua America is setup as an Asset. 
WTR is setup as Stock.

Any thoughts?  Thanks.

-Dave Anderson

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