Trouble with stocks from DRIP accounts

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 27 21:36:33 EDT 2004

I don't understand..  What do you mean by "it loses it value"?  Where
does it "lose its value"?  In the account tree?  in the register?  In
some report?

FWIW, your accounting process is correct.


David Anderson <dw.anderson at> writes:

> Hey guys.
> I'm running GNUCash 1.8.7.  I'm trying to get some of my DRIP accounts
> setup in here and I'm having some trouble.  Let me just give one
> example.
> I have DRIPs (Divident Reinvestment Program) with a few companies.  At
> the beginning of every month, $60.00 is transferred out of one of my
> saving accounts and into a 'holding account' at the particular company. 
> At a set date they purchase the shares for me.  
> I transfer $60.00 out of savings and into Investments:D.R.I.P.S.:Aqua
> America (Asset).  I consider that a holding account.  When I get my
> statement each month, I enter the stock purchase, which would be into
> Investments:D.R.I.P.S.:Aqua America:WTR (Stock).  When I do this, the
> top-level of investments loses its dollar amount (just shows a $ with
> nothing else).  The Aqua America account loses its value as well (just a
> $).  WTR underneat Aqua America does show the proper number of shares. 
> I just don't understand what is happeneing.
> To give a few more details.  Investments is setup as an Asset. 
> D.R.I.P.S. is setup as an Asset.  Aqua America is setup as an Asset. 
> WTR is setup as Stock.
> Any thoughts?  Thanks.
> -Dave Anderson
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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