Unable to install gnucash in Debian unstable

Doctorcam cam at ellisonpsychology.ca
Tue Aug 24 20:43:11 EDT 2004

* Wolfgang Balster (wolfgang.balster at epost.de) wrote:
> On Dienstag, 24. August 2004 03:01, you wrote:
> > Wolfgang Balster <wolfgang.balster at epost.de> writes:
> > > I am unable to install gnucash 1,8.9-4 in Debian unstable using synaptic
> > > because dependecies are not met. I tried to force installation of
> > > 1.8.9-2, but this fails also. Is there a way to get gnucash installed
> > > nontheless. Any help is greatly appreciated!
> >
> > 1) Can you file this as a bug using the reportbug program?
> Package: gnucash
> Version: 1.8.8-7
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable

You have 2 options:

1) Download libtldl3 from Experimental (you can do this from the
   Debian Packages webpage, by specifying All where it asks for
   Distribution in the Search package directories section) and install
   it using dpkg.  Then install gnucash (you should get 1.8.9);

2) Apt-pin libltdl3 and libltdl3-dev to show only version 1.5.2.  This
   will allow you to use gnucash 1.8.8.  You will then have to find
   that version of those two in the Debian system.  This is not as
   easy, but can be done.  I'd send you my copies, but apt wiped them
   out, so I'm running on the binaries only.

If you don't know about apt-pinning, I include below an amended copy of my

Package: libltdl3
Pin: version 1.5.2
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: libltdl3-dev
Pin: version 1.5.2
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: *
Pin: release a=stable
Pin-Priority: 100

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 400

Hope this helps.


Cam Ellison  Ph.D.  R.Psych. #01417

Cam Ellison & Associates Ltd.
Management Psychology

RR 22    3446 Beach Avenue
Roberts Creek  BC  V0N 2W2

Phone: 604-885-4806
Fax:   604-885-4809

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