Harddisk full, Datafile corruption

Marc Gorzala gorzala at web.de
Fri Dec 3 05:37:15 EST 2004

What about the gnucash backup, <filename>.<date>.xac?


OK, thank your for that reaction, but i don't know what i could do with 
these backup files. there are pretty much files named as you described. 
i take a look on the gnucash homepage, to read how to use my backupfiles 
but i don't find anything. i attached an output auf "ls" in my data 
directory to this mail.
the file what is corrupt ist called privat . (perhaps others too)
when you have a quick answer it would be nice, to give it to me.
Marc Gorzala <gorzala at web.de> writes:

 > Hi,
 > just a few hours ago, i entered a transaction in my gnucash saved it
 > and though everything is okay.
 > but when i launched gnucash again afterwards it said that it had
 > problems reading the datafile.
 > after a little bit investigation i found out that the hard disk was
 > full. i deleted something, hoping that the problem would be fixed that
 > way. but it wasn't!
 > my main datafile is called privat and when i take a look in it, it
 > ended that way:
 > -------
 > <gnc:transaction version="2.0.0">
 >    <trn:id type="guid">92712cb5206676883f2aba0ad9c5b24f</trn:id>
 >    <trn:currency>
 >      <cmdty:space>ISO4217</cmdty:space>
 >      <cmdty:id>EUR</cmdty:id>
 >    </trn:currency>
 >    <trn:num>384</trn:num>
 >    <trn:date-posted>
 >      <ts:date>2004-11-11 00:00:00 +0100</ts:date>
 >    </
 > -------
 > seems that gnucash wrote until the disk was full and than ended :-(
 > does anyone know who i get at least something of my data?
 > my last backup is from 6.Oct 2004
 > not too new.
 > Yours Marc

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