Reimbursible Mileage Expense

ghaverla at ghaverla at
Wed Jun 2 08:15:49 EDT 2004

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004, T. Cabugao wrote:

> Here's my dillema: I go to training where my employer reimburses me for 
> my expenses (meals, parking, mileage). The meals and parking seemed 
> quite easy -- just create an asset account called Reimbursible, credit 
> on one end (cash, credit card), and debit everything to the Reimbursible 
> account. I'm able to account for what my employer owes me, and it does 
> not inflate my expenses for the month. With mileage on the other hand, 
> there is no "real" account that I can credit so I can debit to my 
> Reimbursible account. Any suggestions on how to account for reimbursible 
> mileage?

Just my $0.00, but couldn't mileage be a seperate account that
instead of dollars, euros, or whatever; has a currency of miles,
km, or some distance unit?  You then apply an "exchange rate"
later on to convert to local currency?


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