More digit in currency

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Jun 24 08:59:35 EDT 2004

"Riki Kurniawan" <riki at> writes:

> Is it a known bug in 1.8.6? Btw I use GNUCash included in mandrake 9.1.2 distro. 

There have been a LOT of bugs fixed since 1.8.6.  Go read the ChangeLog
to see.  See to read the sources out of CVS, and
then read the 1.8 branch's ChangeLog.

> I still think that the best practical solution for this problem is
> to allow me to enter an invoice in it's real value not 1/1000 of
> it's value. I believe that the data-type used is supporting this as
> you said that GC use 2^63/2^64 to represent the numbers, maybe there
> is a way to change this to become 2^67/2^60 as we wouldn't need the
> denominator that big anyway. I believe this will benefit lot of
> people that need to enter big number in their transactions.

No, there's no way to do this.  Right now gnc_numeric is:

 gint64 num;
 guint64 denom;  (this actually might be gint64)

There's just no way to bit-shift numbers out of the numerator and into
the denominator.  Sorry.  But I still don't see how you're getting
this behavior.  Can you provide a step-by-step solution to explain to
us how to reproduce the problem?


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord at MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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