out of the party...

Dr. Jones drjones at vii.com
Fri Mar 12 12:35:16 CST 2004

I am still trying to get gnucash running on my sid/potato Debian 3.0 

When I attempt to run it, I get the following error message:

scott:/sethe/soap# gnucash
ERROR: Unbound variable: ELFP?4?H4

I run apt-get upgrade frequently and believe I have the most recent 
version available for debian.

I really need to be running gnucash to get my finances in order. Please 
help if you can. I am often on the #utah channel on freenode.net as 
noted in my signature below.

Thank You,


Dr. Scott S. Jones
Hands-On Chiropractic 
IRC: irc.freenode.net #utah
Yahoo: sanchiro12

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