Strange extra character in text reports
Daniel Andrews
daniel.andrews at
Sun May 30 14:00:05 EDT 2004
Dear All,
I've been using GNUCash 1.8.9 for a while now, but have an extra character in
my text based reports.... any of them. I'm using GBP Great British Pounds
and this is what I see in the Cash Flow report:
Money into selected accounts comes from
Checking Interest £0.27
Salary £1,576,328.68
Money In £1,576,328.95
Money out of selected accounts goes to
Bank Service Charge £0.05
Books £43.00
I seem to have gained an extra "Â" before the pound sign and I can't seem to
find how to remove it.
Help anyone?
PS. Really looking forward to a budget plug-in for GNUCash ;-)
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