windoze version?

Jon Lapham lapham at
Sun Nov 21 14:32:19 EST 2004

Derek Atkins wrote:
> Oct 7 -> Oct 31 is three weeks.  That's way too long for a FAQ to get
> introduced and deployed.

Updating the chapter on Depreciation is a bit more complex than a FAQ.

So, yes, David's first email was on the 7th, and after a few emails 
between him and I (and the list) he states that he will work on some doc 
changes and get back to me (and the list).  He does so on Oct 26th:

After some discussion between him and I (and the list), a second 
concrete idea was formulated:

Which got applied to the web pages on the 29th:

Come on Derek, at least read the links I send you before commenting!

>>>and allowing users to feed in
>>>FAQs is a "good thing".
>>Totally, I just do not see the advantage of a wiki over the existing
>>mailing lists mechanism.
> - Speed of deployment.
> - Distributed editorship.
> - real-time editing.

Yes, I understand the concept and advantages of a wiki.  And, what have 
these advantages gotten us so far?  Seriously, read through the wiki. 
As I mentioned before, there are less FAQ items, half of them are 
cut/paste from the concepts guide, and many of them are already answered 
or dealt with somewhere else.

>>>3) Provide a simple mechanism for users to add questions/answers to the
>>>   faq.
>>Sure, the mailing lists would work great for this.
> Are you able to guarantee 48-hour turnaround on suggested FAQ items?
> 72-hour turnaround?

Absolutely... not.  Of course I cannot.

  Jon Lapham  <lapham at>                Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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