Indice value through Finance Quote

vmaida vmaida at
Tue Sep 7 15:45:38 EDT 2004

 I'm trying to configure an account to be able to follow a 
indice and to get the values through the module Finance Quote.

The symbol of the indice in the Yahoo is ^bvsp and i get
the information in the console through the command:

$ yahooquote ^bvsp

^BVSP BRSP BOVESPA IND  22501.529  9/6/2004  Sao Paolo

but I am not having success to get the data of this index through
gnucash. I am not having problems to get the values of stocks.

I already tried the following types of commodities: stock, bovespa,
indice, brsp and ind

The message of error when trying is the following one:

Incapable to get quotations for this item:


Somebody knows as I configures a commoditie and an account to make the
accompaniment of indices?


Victor Maida

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