A few business questions

Laurent Duperval lduperval at videotron.ca
Sat Sep 11 01:12:33 EDT 2004


I'm trying to get my head around the whole business module and I have a 
few (a lot?) of questions. Here goes:

- Can I set up two types of invoices, one in French and the other in 

- I sent a customer an invoice for 1100$, of which, 100$ was for taxes. 
When that customer pays back the 1100$, how do I tell the process 
payment dialog to put 100$ in my taxes account?

- When I enter new transactions in the normal gnucash module (not the 
business module), auto-completion fills in an entire line for me. In the 
business module, it only fills out the description. When doing 
consulting work, I often re-enter the exact same thing. How do I get GC 
to complete the whole line, so I only need to change the number of hours.

- Speaking of which, I bill certain customers on a daily basis instead 
of an hourly basis. Is there a way to reflect that? Same for weekly or 

- Can I enter a "split" invoice Item? For example, say I bill a customer 
weekly but I need to detail the hours during the week, can I do 
something like this:

2004-09-09  Consulting     20 hours     50.00    1000.00
            Talking        5 Hours      50.00     250.00
            Listening      12 Hours     50.00     600.00
            Sleeping       3 Hours      50.00     150.00

- Are there tricks to speeding up data entry? For example, I don't have 
many customers so going through the whole search dialog all the time is 
a bit of overkill. Is there a faster way?

I think that's enough for now. I'll have more tomorrow. :-)



<Laurent Duperval> lduperval at videotron.ca

Slang is language that takes off its coat, spits on its hands, and goes to work.

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